Saturday, March 30, 2013

There's a Holiday Tomorrow, Shop Now!

I went to the store today to buy some coffee and milk.  As I write that sentence and reflect on how innocuous that sounds, I think of how I felt when I left the house to go to the supermarket this morning.  It seemed like a typical Saturday, and I expected the store to be a little busier than it would be on a weeknight (when I usually go shopping).  How wrong I was.

I forgot to consider that the store will be closed tomorrow, and that meant that everyone and their dog would be at the supermarket stocking up.  I had never seen so many carts full to the brim.  It was just like I see on those coupon shows where the husband and wife are pulling three shopping carts up to the checkout at a time.

Perhaps I just don't understand the significance of a holiday.  The supermarket will be closed for one whole day.  I guess that is reason enough to panic.  When the zombie apocalypse arrives, I'm sure we will be no less vigilant.  Heaven forbid anyone run out of Pillsbury crescent rolls or tacquitos.  We're talking life or death here.

I just couldn't join the fray.  I didn't even bother getting a cart.  I took a handbasket and tried to get out as quickly as possible.  I easily qualified for the express lane, but couldn't get over to it, so just lined up behind anyone I could.  I was almost run over by carts numerous times.  I heard several people remark on how "crazy" it was, but they didn't give up and go home either.

All I can conclude is that life is weird.


  1. wow, yesterday I had the same situation. I had never seen so many cars before in the parking lot of the supermarket. I just wanted to buy some spices that I forgot to buy for the lunch today. And here we have the "quick lines" for for those with less than 10 items (my case), but the people have no respect and education here, they go in this quick lines for the 10 items with lots of items, like 40 items.

    if the supermarkets were open today, people would let to buy their chocolates tonight, I think, I don't know why people wait for the last minute to buy things that they know they have to buy days before.

    I don't know how it is in Canada, but here the chocolate easter eggs are very expensive, like 125g one egg costs 15 dollars. And the worst: people don't care about the price and buy lots of chocolate eggs.

  2. There are some expensive chocolates and some less expensive chocolates. At Walmart, you can probably get some bunnies for a dollar or two, but eggs....I don't know. I guess better chocoate equals a higher price.
    For me, the strange thing was that people were shopping like crazy, just because the store was going to be closed for one day. I am sure they could get some food on Monday night.

    1. here the same chocolate in bars, in eggs costs double price, just because it is an easter egg.

      and yes, they were shopping like the last day to shop in the world.

  3. Here that is definitely true for Valentines Day. Put the chocolate in a heart shaped box and suddenly the price triples. I think if I went to the drug store now, I could probably get a good deal on a chocoate egg...... sorry, I need to go to the store now.
