Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snowplow--More Priorities Out of Whack

Isn't it always the way.  You get all your winter crap on:  your boots, your gloves, your toque (winter hat, for all you non Canadians).  You get out there, work up a sweat (even worse sometimes, but I don't really want to joke a bout some poor old guy having a heart attack) and finally the driveway and sidewalk are clean.  Then, you hear that dreaded noise.

The snowplow.  Invaluable for making the roads clean, driveable and safe, and perhaps the most frustrating device ever created for the man or woman who has just finished plowing their driveway.  All that work gone for nought.

I have no idea  when the snow plow was invented.  I know they have been around since World War II at least.  I live in a country where they come in all shapes and sizes.  I've seen huge ones, and ones that fit onto an army jeep.  Someday, some half drunk backyard mechanical MacGyver wizard will probably rig one up to a bicycle. (I did a quick google search, and its already been done...I should have known)

Nevertheless, despite years of innovation, despite incredible engineering, the snow plow still manages to plow me into or out of my driveway.  Finish cleaning and it will come past my house and form a perfect barrier between me and the street.  Go out for a quick errand (maybe to the beer store) and come back to find that I have to shovel my way back onto my driveway (or try to ram myself through, and get stuck, and not get to drink the beer I just went out to get).

I have heard that there is an invention to prevent this, but I have never seen it.  If it exists, please tell me, or better yet tell the town council, how I can get this machine to plow my street.  We have superfast internet, but we I still face a mountain of snow  before I can go to work.  Once again, our priorities seem completely out of whack.

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