Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Spirit of Christmas

There does seem to be a kindness in the air.  Though I, and some of you out there, might whine and moan about Christmas and commercialization, and the fact that Christmas displays start way too early, there is something to be said for the spirit of Christmas.

While watching YouTube today, several people (mostly Canadians working in Asia) noted that while the decorations in Asia were good in the stores, they felt an absence of the build up to Christmas.  They mentioned an absence of that Christmas feeling.  It made me think.

While shopping today (not for Christmas things--surprisingly I am done shopping for everyone and everything except for the present I am going to give myself.  That I will leave to boxing day or beyond) I noted many random acts of kindness followed by a "Merry Christmas".  Several people have also commented that complete strangers have paid for their meals at the drive through.

Huge, magnanimous gestures are always good, but I do find that small, personal gestures seem better. Thank you Christmas.  Thank you for rising above the commercialism and bringing out the best in people.

Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. it's too sad that some people become good just on the christmas time. Some people are disgusting all the year and when christmas comes they try to be generous, kindful, helpful. Why they wait more than 300 days in the year to be like that and don't think trying to change their mind everyday on the year?

    sometimes I hear something like: "I'll help you, after all, it's christmas!"

    Christmas should be a happy time but sincerely, the christmas songs are so sad, I mean, the melodies, hehe

  2. You're absolutely right. People should be friendly, helpful and generous all year round.
